Sunday, May 29, 2011

You know you are a mom when...

I had fun with this...

You know you are a mom when...

-You think being out after dark is really late.
-Your Saturday night consists of doing the hokey pokey.
-A gourmet meal is mac n' cheese and hot dogs.
-You drive to work after dropping off your child and when you get to work you realize the whole drive you were listening to a Kid Bop CD and you realize this only because you were singing to it.
-When you get hurt and you are around your friends you accidently say things like "ouchy" and "oopsie daisy"
-You feel sorry for other parents at restaurants when their child is screaming and throwing a fit, but you also feel a little relieved because you realize you weren't the only one with a child who does that.
-You spend more time making your child look super cute when going to church than yourself.
-You get ready and take a shower WAY faster than you ever thought you could.
-You bring hand sanitizer and wipes everywhere you go.
-You have cheerios somewhere in your car (probably under my seat or on the floor in the backseat or behind Kaitlyn's carseat.)
-You've done some of those things that you said you would never do if you were a parent.
-You wake up at the smallest sound.
-You refer to going to the restroom to "going to the potty" in public.
-You get excited to go to places like Chuck E Cheese or the zoo just to see your child happy
-You find your jewelry strung out all over the house (or makeup, tools, etc)
-You get mad when someone rings the doorbell when you FINALLY got your child down for a nap.
-You can't go to the restroom without being interrupted.
-You can bathe a squirming, screaming toddler, wash their hair and dry them off in five minutes flat.
-You actually called all of your friends the first time your little one used the potty all by herself.
-You find random things in your purse (bag of cheerios, pretend cup and spoon, my little pony...)
-You sing the "clean up song" when you are doing housework and you are all alone.
-Anytime you hear a child call for “Mommy” or “Daddy” you look around even though you know for sure that your child is nowhere around.
-Pregnancy and birth stories are interesting.
-You know the books "Goodnight Moon" and "Brown Bear" by heart (and so does my daughter!)
-You have trouble concealing your knowing smirk as you listen to a first time mom-to-be talking about how things are going to be once her baby arrives.
-You let your child spit out something they don't like into your cupped hand.
-You have used your own sleeve to wipe their runny nose in public because you had no more tissues.
-You look into your sick child's eyes and wish it were you and not her.
-You have a huge smile on your face when your husband walks in the door and hear him say "Daddy's home"
-You didn't want to put your child to bed because sleeping in your arms is just precious!
-You've been puked on.
-You've gone to bed at 8:00.
-Your big plans for Friday night is ordering a pizza and you are pretty darned psyched about it!
-Going to the grocery store is a 2 hour event
-Holidays are way more fun!
-You can't afford anything anymore.
-When you go to find a pen to write your babysitter a check, and have to write it in red crayon.
-When you go out with your friends and all you can think of to talk about is your child,
-Sleeping IN, means sleeping until 8:00
-You sing "Dora Dora Dora the Explorer" in the shower.
-You know you’re a mom if you no longer find Barney particularly annoying and in fact welcome him into your life as a great teacher of concepts such as shapes and colors that your toddler has previously believed that you were making up.
-You know you're a mom if you blog about your baby's latest consonants!
-You use your own saliva to clean your child's face